"A Friendly Authoritative Presence"
Synergy Group, Inc. offers two forms of physical security to the public...

Uniformed Guard Service...This service offers the assignment of a single or a group of uniformed or plain clothes security officers on a specific location for a scheduled period of time. Officers might perform a number of duties starting with simple guard patrols to monitoring complete building complexes. Synergy Group Inc. guards are certified, carry firearms and have arrest powers. Usually our guards report directly to our office, with equivalent communication to the client company management and operations staff. Written and verbal reporting may be used. Also, check here for a complete list of our protective services provided eg. VIP, event & celebrity protection.

Business/Residential Patrols...Foot patrols are conducted of the exterior and/or interior of buildings and parking lots. Officers duties could include securing parked vehicles, removing mail, altering on/off lighting patterns of lights to mislead would be intruders. This service is calculated to discourage criminal attacks, and provide early warning of damage caused by broken plumbing, damaged electrical circuits or faulty equipment. When a patrol is finished reports are prepared and left at each premise. If required, Synergy Group, Inc. will act as agent for the absent owner if in the event of storm or other damage to have temporary repairs made.